File "src/xpl/classes/base.lua"

Allows for object creation. Returns a single object. Call object.make(tbl) to turn a table into an object. alternatively the object table can be subclassed directly;
 myObj = object:subclass({member = 'value'})

Copyright © 2011 Thijs Schreijer

Release: Version 0.1, LuaxPL framework.


object.make (obj, ...) Creates an object from a table, a base class.


object.make (obj, ...)
Creates an object from a table, a base class. This only need to be done for the very first base class only, descedants or instances will automatically have the object properties. Adds methods new and subclass to the supplied table to instantiate and subclass the created objectclass. Property/field super is added as a reference to the base class of the created object. Method initialize(self) will be called upon instantiation.
  • super:new(o); method to create an instance of super in table o, whilst retaining the properties in o
  • super:subclass(o); method to create a new class, which inherits from super
NOTE: when calling methods on the superclass make sure to call them using function notation (super.method(self, param1, param2)) and NOT method notation (super:dosomething(param1, param2)), because in the latter case self will point to super and not the instance called upon.


  • obj: table to convert into an object
  • ...: (not used, only for error checking)


local base = require("xpl.classes.base")
-- create my table
local myObject = {
    data = "hello world",
    print = function(self)
    initialize = function(self)
        -- upon initialization just print
-- make it a class with single inheritance by subclassing
-- it from the base class. The 'initialize()' method will
-- NOT be called upon subclassing
myObject = base:subclass(myObject)
-- instantiate an object from the new class and
-- override field contents. This will call 'initialize()'
-- and print "my world".
local descendant = myObject:new({data = "my world"})
-- now override another method
function descendant:print()
    -- convert data to uppercase = string.upper(
    -- call ancestor method through 'super'. NOTE: you
    -- must use 'function notation' for the call, 'method
    -- notation' will not work.
-- try the overriden method and print "MY WORLD"

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