Releasing new versions

  • create a release branch
  • update the changelog below
  • update version and copyright-years in ./LICENSE and ./src/copas/async.lua (in doc-comments header)
  • create a new rockspec and update the version inside the new rockspec:
    cp copas-async-scm-1.rockspec ./rockspecs/copas-async-X.Y.Z-1.rockspec
  • test: run make test and make lint
  • clean and render the docs: run make clean and make docs
  • commit the changes as release X.Y.Z
  • push the commit, and create a release PR
  • after merging tag the release commit with vX.Y.Z
  • upload to LuaRocks:
    luarocks upload ./rockspecs/copas-async-X.Y.Z-1.rockspec --api-key=ABCDEFGH
  • test the newly created rock:
    luarocks install copas-async

Version 1.0.0, released 26-Jun-2023

  • Breaking: the os_execute return codes are no longer normalized to Lua 5.3 output since that didn't work due to platform and version differences. Now it just returns the same results as the regular os.execute for the current platform/Lua version.
  • Fix: io_popen; the default mode should be "r"
  • Fix: io_popen; the default read pattern should be "*l" and nil should not be passed.
  • Fix: only initialize LuaLanes if not initialized already
  • Added: io_popen now also has the lines iterator (except for Puc Rio Lua 5.1 where it will not work due to c-boundary issues)
  • Added: run method, to simply run and wait for an async result while not blocking (this also is the default action when calling on the module table).

Version 0.3, released 4-Jul-2016

Version 0.2, released 10-Jun-2016

Version 0.1, released 2-Jun-2016

  • Initial release
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2023-06-26 20:07:05