Releasing new versions

  • create a release branch
  • update the changelog below
  • update version and copyright-years in ./LICENSE and ./src/homie-zipato1/init.lua (in doc-comments header, and in module constants)
  • create a new rockspec and update the version inside the new rockspec:
    cp homie-zipato1-scm-1.rockspec ./rockspecs/homie-zipato1-X.Y.Z-1.rockspec
  • test: run make test and make lint
  • clean and render the docs: run make clean and make docs
  • commit the changes as release X.Y.Z
  • push the commit, and create a release PR
  • after merging tag the release commit with X.Y.Z
  • upload to LuaRocks:
    luarocks upload ./rockspecs/homie-zipato1-X.Y.Z-1.rockspec --api-key=ABCDEFGH
  • test the newly created rock:
    luarocks install homie-zipato1

Version X.Y.Z, unreleased

  • a fix
  • a change

Version 0.1.0, released 01-Jan-2022

  • initial release
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2023-12-06 20:20:55