Script homie45bridge

Main CLI application.

A Homie v4 to Homie v5 bridge application. The v4 devices will be collected and converted and published as v5 devices. Any values set on the v5 version will be passed back to the v4 version.

For configuring the log, use LuaLogging environment variable prefix "HOMIE_LOG_", see "logLevel" in the example below.

If device descriptions are incomplete then try increasing the subscribe_delay. This is the delay (in milliseconds) between subscribing to discovered devices. This prevents too many topics being queued at once MQTT-server-side such that they might get dropped.

A clean option to quickly try the bridge is to use Docker. The git repo has a Dockerfile and a script to try this.


    # configure parameters as environment variables
    export HOMIE_MQTT_URI="mqtt://synology"    # format: "mqtt(s)://user:pass@hostname:port"
    export HOMIE_MQTT_ID="homie45-bridge"      # default: "homie45-bridge-xxxxxxx"
    export HOMIE_DOMAIN4="homie"               # default: "homie"
    export HOMIE_DOMAIN5="homie5"              # default: "homie5"
    export HOMIE_SUBSCRIBE_DELAY=5000          # default: 1000
    export HOMIE_LOG_LOGLEVEL="debug"          # default: "info"
    # start the application

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