
cosocket/LuaSocket automatic compatibility module for lua-resty modules wanting to be compatible with plain Lua or OpenResty's init context.

The use case for this library is: you are developing a lua-resty module relying on cosockets, but you want it to also be usable in OpenResty's init context or even in plain Lua. This module aims at always providing your library with sockets that will be compatible in the current context, saving you time and effort, and extending LuaSocket's API to match that of cosockets, allowing you to always write your code as if you were in a cosocket-compatible OpenResty context.


  • Allows your lua-resty modules to automatically use cosockets/LuaSocket
  • Provides sslhandshake proxy when using LuaSocket, with a dependency on LuaSec
  • Does not get blocked to using LuaSocket in further contexts if loaded in the ngx_lua init (easy mistake to make)
  • Memoizes underlying socket methods for performance
  • Outputs a warning log for your users when spawning a socket using LuaSocket while in OpenResty


The aim of this module is to provide an automatic fallback to LuaSocket when ngx_lua's cosockets are not available. That is:

  • When not used in ngx_lua
  • In ngx_lua contexts where cosockets are not supported (init, init_worker, etc...)

When falling back to LuaSocket, it provides you with shims for cosocket-only functions such as getreusedtimes, setkeepalive etc...

It comes handy when one is developing a module/library that aims at being either compatible with both ngx_lua and plain Lua, or in ngx_lua contexts such as init.

Libraries using it

Here are some concrete examples uses of this module. You can see how we only write code as if we were constantly in an cosocket-compatible OpenResty context, which greatly simplifies our work and provides out of the box plain Lua compatibility.

Important notes

  • The library will try and find CA-certficates in common locations. If custom certs are to be used that are not in the store, or if you set the OpenResty configuration directive lua_sll_trusted_certificate then you'll have to manually set the cafile options using resty.luasocket.set_luasec_defaults.
  • LuaSocket sockets do not allow fo re-use. So always create a new socket.
  • The previous comment also applies to the http module. Do not reuse http clients.
  • Configuring the LuaSec module to be configured the same as ngx_lua is up to the initializer of the module. See resty.luasocket.get_luasec_defaults documentation for an example.
  • The use of LuaSocket inside ngx_lua is very strongly discouraged due to its blocking nature. However, it is fine to use it in the init context where blocking is not considered harmful.
  • It currently only support TCP sockets.


As long as sockets are created in contexts with support for cosockets, this module will never require LuaSocket nor LuaSec.

  • LuaSocket (only if sockets are created where cosockets don't exist)
  • LuaSec (only if the fallbacked socket attempts to perform an SSL handshake)


This module can either be copied in a lua-resty library, allowing one to modify the list of contexts allowing fallback.

It can also be installed via LuaRocks:

$ luarocks install lua-resty-luasocket
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2024-03-15 10:13:31