
This library is versioned based on Semantic Versioning (SemVer).

Version scoping

The scope of what is covered by the version number excludes:

  • error messages; the text of the messages can change, unless specifically documented.

Releasing new versions

  • create a release branch
  • update the changelog below
  • update version and copyright-years in ./ (bottom) and ./src/uuid.lua (in doc-comments header)
  • create a new rockspec and update the version inside the new rockspec:
    cp uuid-dev-1.rockspec ./rockspecs/uuid-X.Y.Z-1.rockspec
  • test: run make test and make lint
  • clean and render the docs: run make clean and make docs
  • commit the changes as release X.Y.Z
  • push the commit, and create a release PR
  • after merging tag the release commit with X.Y.Z
  • upload to LuaRocks:
    luarocks upload ./rockspecs/uuid-X.Y.Z-1.rockspec --api-key=ABCDEFGH
  • test the newly created rock:
    luarocks install uuid

Version history

Version 1.0.0, released 13-Oct-2024

  • BREAKING: no default rng will be picked anymore, one must be set explicitly, see set_rng
  • BREAKING: calling on the module table uuid() will now call v4() instead of new() which means it no longer supports the hwaddr parameter
  • Change: new function with the hwaddr parameter is deprecated, will be removed later
  • Change: randomseed has moved to rng.math_randomseed, alias will be removed later
  • Change: seed has moved to rng.seed, alias will be removed later
  • Feat: new rng module with multiple rngs available
  • Feat: new set_rng function to set the rng to use
  • Feat: the rng.seed function has a new parameter userinput that allows the user to specify additional input for seeding the Lua rng (eg. pass in a mac address).
  • Feat: new rng.luasystem rng that uses LuaSystem for random number generation (Posix + Windows)
  • Feat: new rng.urandom rng that uses /dev/urandom for random number generation (Posix, no Windows)
  • Feat: new rng.win_ffi rng that uses the ffi for random number generation (Windows, no Posix)
  • Feat: new rng.math_random rng that replaces the old rng used, based on Lua's math.random function.
  • Feat: improved seeding, using LuaSystem, win-ffi, or /dev/urandom if available. If not, the fallback now uses more inputs (including a user provided one, eg. a mac address) and calculates a SHA1 used as seed. Also support for the Lua 5.4 randomseed() implementation

Version 0.3, released 11-Jul-2021

  • Fix: set proper type for UUIDv4 type
  • Feat: improve seeding for OpenResty
  • Doc: fix link in readme

Version 0.2, released 09-May-2013

  • Bugfix; 0-hex was displayed as "" instead of "00", making some uuids too short
  • Bugfix; math.randomseed() overflow caused bad seeding

Version 0.1, released 28-Apr-2013

  • initial version
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-10-13 00:59:03