Module GPIO

Raspberry Pi GPIO binding for Lua.

A Lua binding to the (Python) library by Ben Croston to use the GPIO from Lua.


  • Copyright: (c) 2012-2014; Ben Croston for the original Python library, Andre Simon for the initial Lua binding, Thijs Schreijer for the extensions of the Lua binding
  • Author: Ben Croston,Andre Simon,Thijs Schreijer


cleanup () Cleans up the modules' running operations.
gpio_function (channel) Gets the configuration of a pin.
input (channel) Reads the pin value.
output (channel, value) Sets the output of a pin.
setmode (mode) Sets the pin numbering scheme to be used.
setup_channel (channel, direction, pull_up_down, initial) Sets a channel up on the GPIO interface.
setwarnings (mode) Turns warnings on or off.


constants Constants in the module table

PWM object

ChangeDutyCycle (self, dutycycle) Sets the dutycycle for a PWM object.
ChangeFrequency (self, freq) Sets the frequency for a PWM object.
newPWM (channel, freq) Creates a software PWM object.
start (self, dutycycle) Starts the PWM mode.
stop (self) Stops the PWM mode.

Event detection

add_event_callback (channel, callback, bouncetime) Adds an event callback function.
add_event_detect (channel, edge, callback, bouncetime) Adds event detection for a pin.
event_detected (channel) Reads events detected (non-blocking).
remove_event_detect (channel) Removes event detection for a pin.
wait_for_edge (channel, edge) Wait for an event (blocking).


cleanup ()
Cleans up the modules' running operations. It will set all pins configured before to input.
gpio_function (channel)
Gets the configuration of a pin.


  • channel channel/pin to be reported (see setmode )


    Pin configuration, being IN, OUT, I2C, PWM, SERIAL, SPI or UNKNOWN.
input (channel)
Reads the pin value. For pins configured as output, it returns the current output value.


  • channel channel/pin to be read (see setmode )


    Boolean true for a HIGH value, or false for a LOW value
output (channel, value)
Sets the output of a pin.


  • channel channel/pin to be changed (see setmode )
  • value (boolean) Use a truthy value to set the pin out to HIGH, or falsy to set to LOW. NOTE: a numeric '0' is also considered falsy! for compatibility with the original Python code.
setmode (mode)
Sets the pin numbering scheme to be used.


  • mode (optional) either BCM (chip numbering) or BOARD (Rpi connector numbering)


    currently set mode, being BCM, BOARD, or UNKNOWN.
setup_channel (channel, direction, pull_up_down, initial)
Sets a channel up on the GPIO interface.


  • channel channel/pin to be setup (see setmode )
  • direction Sets the direction of the pin, either IN or OUT
  • pull_up_down (optional, only for inputs) Should the builtin pullup/down resistor be used. Either PUD_OFF, PUD_DOWN, or PUD_UP
  • initial (boolean, optional, only for outputs) Should an initial value be set? set to truthy value to set the pin out to HIGH, or falsy to set to LOW. NOTE: a numeric '0' is also considered falsy! for compatibility with the original Python code.
setwarnings (mode)
Turns warnings on or off.


  • mode if nil or false turns warnings off, or on otherwise


Constants in the module table


  • RPI_REVISION Revision of the Raspberry Pi board as detected (either 1 or 2)
  • VERSION Version of the Lua module
  • HIGH for setting outputs and reading inputs (see output and input )
  • LOW for setting outputs and reading inputs (see output and input )
  • OUT Pin configuration, see setup_channel and gpio_function
  • IN Pin configuration, see setup_channel and gpio_function
  • PWM Pin configuration, see gpio_function
  • SERIAL Pin configuration, see gpio_function
  • I2C Pin configuration, see gpio_function
  • SPI Pin configuration, see gpio_function
  • UNKNOWN Pin and pinmode configuration, see gpio_function and setmode
  • BOARD Pinmode configuration, see setmode
  • BCM Pinmode configuration, see setmode
  • RISING Event edge-type detection, see event functions
  • FALLING Event edge-type detection, see event functions
  • BOTH Event edge-type detection, see event functions

PWM object

PWM has been implemented as software PWM. Hardware PWM is not available.
ChangeDutyCycle (self, dutycycle)
Sets the dutycycle for a PWM object.


  • self PWM object to operate on
  • dutycycle Dutycycle to use for the object, from 0 to 100 %


    PWM object
ChangeFrequency (self, freq)
Sets the frequency for a PWM object.


  • self PWM object to operate on
  • freq Frequency to use for the object, in Hz.


    PWM object
newPWM (channel, freq)
Creates a software PWM object.


  • channel channel/pin to use for WPM (see setmode )
  • freq Frequency for the PWM object (in Hz)


    PWM object.


    local gpio = require("rpi-gpio")
    local gpio.setmode(gpio.BOARD)
    local Pin, Hz, Duty = 11, 100, 50  -- Pin 11, 100Hz, 50% dutycycle
    gpio.setup_channel(Pin, gpio.OUT, gpio.HIGH)
    local pwm = gpio.newPWM(Pin, Hz):start(Duty)
start (self, dutycycle)
Starts the PWM mode.


  • self PWM object to operate on
  • dutycycle Dutycycle to use for the object, from 0 to 100 %


    PWM object
stop (self)
Stops the PWM mode.


  • self PWM object to operate on


    PWM object

Event detection

Using event detection, the rising or falling edges of the GPIO pins can be detected. Either blocking, non-blocking or asynchroneous.
add_event_callback (channel, callback, bouncetime)
Adds an event callback function. Using this function requires the helper library darksidesync (async callback support).


  • channel channel/pin for which to call the callback (see setmode )
  • callback Callback function to call (a single parameter, the channel number, will be passed to the callback)
  • bouncetime (optional) minimum time between two callbacks in milliseconds (intermediate events will be ignored)
add_event_detect (channel, edge, callback, bouncetime)
Adds event detection for a pin. Using this function with a callback (which is optional) requires the helper library darksidesync (async callback support).


  • channel channel/pin to detect events for (see setmode )
  • edge What type of edge to catch events for. Either RISING, FALLING or BOTH.
  • callback (optional) Callback function to call on the event (a single parameter, the channel number, will be passed to the callback). More can be added using add_event_callback .
  • bouncetime (optional) minimum time between two callbacks in milliseconds (intermediate events will be ignored)
event_detected (channel)
Reads events detected (non-blocking). Pins must first be configured using add_event_detect , events will be queued, so event_detected will not miss events.


  • channel channel/pin to check for events (see setmode )


    boolean, true if an event was detected, false otherwise
remove_event_detect (channel)
Removes event detection for a pin.


  • channel channel/pin to stop detecting events for (see setmode )
wait_for_edge (channel, edge)
Wait for an event (blocking).


  • channel channel/pin to check for events (see setmode )
  • edge What type of edge to wait for. Either RISING, FALLING or BOTH.
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