Module timerwheel

Timer wheel implementation

Efficient timer for timeout related timers: fast insertion, deletion, and execution (all as O(1) implemented), but with lesser precision.

This module will not provide the timer/runloop itself. Use your own runloop and call wheel:step to check and execute timers.

Implementation: Consider a stack of rings, a timer beyond the current ring size is in the next ring (or beyond). Precision is based on a slot with a specific size.

The code explicitly avoids using pairs, ipairs and next to ensure JIT compilation when using LuaJIT


new (opts) Creates a new timer wheel.
wheel:cancel (id) Cancels a timer.
wheel:count () Gets the number of timers.
wheel:peek ([max_ahead]) Looks up the next expiring timer.
wheel:set (expire_in, cb, arg) Sets a timer.
wheel:step () Checks and executes timers.


new (opts)
Creates a new timer wheel.


  • opts the options table
    • precision number the precision of the timer wheel in seconds (slot size), (default 0.050)
    • ringsize int number of slots in each ring, defaults to 72000 (1 hour span, with precision == 0.050) (optional)
    • now function a function returning the curent time in seconds. Defaults to or luasocket.gettime if available. (optional)
    • err_handler function a function to use as error handler in an xpcall when executing the callback. The default will write the stacktrace to stderr. (optional)


    wheel the timerwheel object
wheel:cancel (id)
Cancels a timer.


  • id int the timer id to cancel


    boolean true if cancelled, false if not found
wheel:count ()
Gets the number of timers.


    int number of timers
wheel:peek ([max_ahead])
Looks up the next expiring timer. Note: traverses the wheel, O(n) operation!


  • max_ahead number maximum time (in seconds) to look ahead (optional)


    number number of seconds until next timer expires (can be negative), or 'nil' if there is no timer from now to max_ahead


    local t = wheel:peek(10)
    if t then
      print("next timer expires in ", t," seconds")
      print("no timer scheduled for the next 10 seconds")
wheel:set (expire_in, cb, arg)
Sets a timer.


  • expire_in number in how many seconds should the timer expire
  • cb function callback function to execute upon expiring (NOTE: the callback will run within an xpcall)
  • arg parameter to be passed to cb when executing


    int the id of the newly set timer


    local cb = function(arg)
      print("timer executed with: ", arg)  --> "timer executed with: hello world"
    local id = wheel:set(5, cb, "hello world")
    -- do stuff here, while regularly calling wheel:step()
    wheel:cancel(id)  -- cancel the timer again
wheel:step ()
Checks and executes timers. Call this function (at least) every precision seconds.


generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2022-11-03 17:31:27